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The Power of Positive People

Surround yourself with positive people. It will make all the difference. Kate and I are fortunate to have so many wonderful people in our life. They provide inspiration, support and camaraderie. Friends, family, other special needs families, neighbors, teachers and community leaders comprise our 'village'. Various support agencies can also be counted on for support in the journey.

I've been raising Kate for over 21 years and there were lots of times when I felt alone and really would have appreciate a roadmap. Even with all the resources available it still is a complicated maze of situations and resources you have to find your way through. Unfortunately, it can be filled with stress and anxiety along the way. For all the new parents out there, please don't be discouraged. It really is going to be okay. Try not to spend too much time worrying, I know you will but try to keep it to a minimum.


One of your primary concerns will be medical. Down Syndrome children come with many different sets of health issues. That extra chromosome is a bit of a wild card. Kate was born with congenital heart disease among other things. She had an AV canal defect and needed open heart surgery. But, modern medicine is wonderful and it seems the doctors can successfully treat almost anything. For the most part Kate sailed through it all.

Aside from the medical, your attitude will be one of your most important assets. At least that's what I have found and truly believe. It's hard to be bitter and disappointed when you are grateful and appreciative each day. Everyday I marvel at what a gift Kate is to me. Seeing how she approaches everything in her life inspires our whole family. I am her advocate, her voice, her protector and her biggest fan.

You will of course a come across plenty of people who are less inspired. They are mired in the unfairness of their circumstances. Maybe they have trouble accepting and have become a little bitter. I've come across gatherings and meetings looking for enlightenment and found myself in a 'bitch and moan' session. It's easy to get caught up in that kind of environment and I try to not subject myself to any of it. Negative attitudes beget negative results.

I'm looking for solutions and solution minded people. Look for people moving forward in positivity. Those are the people you want in your 'village'. Choose wisely!

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