October is National Down Syndrome Awareness month. The nucleus of each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes; half are inherited from each parent. Down Syndrome occurs when there is an extra copy of the 21st chromosome (a.k.a. Trisomy 21). About 6000 babies are born in America each with Down Syndrome.
For the most part, Down Syndrome individuals are easily recognizable. Thankfully there is so much more acceptance and inclusion than in years past. You can show your support or 'awareness' in many ways like making donations to Special Olympics or seeking out Down Syndrome owed businesses. There are tax incentives in many states for hiring special needs workers. If you are a business owner consider hiring a Down Syndrome person. There are programs to coordination this process for you. They might even train and job coach your special worker. Check with your state for more information.
Speaking for my family, I recommend a very simple way to show support. When you encounter a Down Syndrome individual (or any special needs person) take the time to smile at them. Maybe strike up a conversation. SEE them! You'd be surprised how much such a simple act of kindness means to this person and their family.